Tuesday, February 5, 2008

The First Project

I'm excited to begin working on the video for the Show & Tell assignment, because I can't wait to go through and look at all the video of me riding. Unfortunately, I wanted to be able to use the tripod for it, but I didn't want any of the horses to spook at it, and only afterwards did I also realize that the light coming in from the building create a bad glare. I'm hoping however that I can eliminate those clips and use closer shots instead.

We tried working today, but because our school is pretty much impossible when it comes to letting us do anything on these computers, we couldn't install the necessary software and it just went all kablooie. But hopefully by Thursday our school will have come to our senses and realize that they need to let us work so we can get good jobs. Wow...our school could be responsible for our personal failures in the workplace. There's an interesting law suit.


[where: 02809]

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